Retrospective study of the clinical performance of fiber posts
To evaluate the clinical performance of Composipost, Aestheti-Posts and Aestheti-Plus Posts (RTD, St Egreve, France) after a period of clinical service ranging from 1-6 yrs.
1,304 posts were included in the study: 840 Composiposts, 215 Aestheti-Posts and 249 Aestheti-Plus posts were placed into endodontically treated teeth. Four combinations of bonding/luting materials were used. The patients were recalled every 6 months and clinical and radiographic examinations were completed. Endodontic and prosthodontic results were recorded. Actuarial Life Table statistical analysis and Mantel-Haenszel comparison of survival curve have been performed at 95% level of confidence.
The 3.2% failure rate was due to two reasons: 25 posts debonded during removal of temporary restorations, and 16 teeth showed periapical lesions at the radiographic examination.
No statistically significant differences were found among the four groups. The results of this retrospective study indicate that fiber posts in combination with bonding / luting materials can be routinely used.